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Stop Scrolling and Read Why It’s Crucial to Spend time With Family this Christmas Season

  • 3 min read

Everyone celebrates Christmas a little differently – and some for entirely different reasons. Some celebrate it as a more societal holiday, and some focus on more religious aspects. And some just enjoy the season but don’t celebrate it themselves. Yet–as the years have gone by–one thing always remains the same. The season is spent with family and friends. Here are some reasons why the holidays are better when surrounded by family! 

Joy is Contagious 

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Ever been laughing so hard that it makes those around you laugh? It’s because joy spreads! 

Yes, cozy nights alone are crucial when it comes to self-care. However, there is something so special about making hot chocolate with Mom or a friend and getting cozy by the fire with them. Talk about your days, reminisce on memories, or play a card game. The simple act of spending time with someone else allows you to learn about the other person and feel appreciated when they listen to you and enjoy your company. 

Joy is easy to spread and often spreads without even trying very hard. That is because surrounding yourself with someone you love makes you feel loved – and everyone deserves to feel loved around the holidays! 

Quality Time

Urban Transit Holiday Movie Time this Holiday Christmas

For example, good movies require full attention – especially when in theatres. But, when at home and watching a ten-year-old film everyone has seen many times, it can be about more than just watching the movie. You can make a whole holiday spectacle of it! Get everyone to wear their favorite Christmas Pajamas, make homemade hot chocolate, and have the film be cozy background noise.

Quality time with those you love makes for great memories, which are perfect for reminiscing on the next holiday season. You’ll remember how fun it was to get dressed all cozy and spend time with each other, not the movie you’ve all seen before! 

A Time to Slow Down

A time for Mermories and Family During Winter Weather

Nowadays, everything moves fast. Planning a night with the family around the holidays allows you to slow down, put the phones away, and enjoy your time. 

Give yourself a day to not think about school, work, or anything that usually stresses you out. Focus on the beautiful Christmas season and spend it with people you love. We often don’t realize how much time we spend on our phones or computers or stressing about things out of our control. Allow yourself to not think about anything but the people you are with. 

Giving undivided attention to those you are with allows you the excuse to unplug and creates the perfect environment for a better connection.


You won’t always be able to make new old memories. As cliche as it may sound, you will only live each year once, and time can fly by. Before you know it, it will be five years into the future, and everything will be different. 

People spend time with family around the holidays because life is too short not to! Don’t you want to look back on your past holidays and be able to reminisce on all the kind memories you have with the people you love?

Cherish this holiday season with your friends and family – it is an opportunity for joy, gratitude, and wonderful memories you can reflect on forever!

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