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Ways to Show Appreciation to Veterans

  • 3 min read

Don’t Forget our Veterans! – Here are 9 Ways to Show Appreciation.

How will you celebrate this Veteran’s Day? There are plenty of ways to show our veterans appreciation for all they have done for us. Be sure to hold gratefulness for your freedom and those who have delivered it to you!

Write Letters 

A Special Thank You to All Veterans from Urban Transit

Local VA hospitals accept letters from the community. So, spending some time writing down why you appreciate veterans and dropping them off at these hospitals is a great way to make a difference. Also, getting the kids involved with this is a sweet idea to teach them how to put forth thanks. 

Do You Know a Veteran?

If you know someone who is a veteran, take them out for food, get them a gift, or do something for them they would enjoy. Veterans have done – and continue to do – so much for us. A day of treating them with attention and gratitude helps show them how valued they are. If you don’t know any veterans, ask a friend if they know anyone you could reach out to or give a gift to! 

Make a Donation

A Special Thank You to All Veterans from Urban Transit

Veterans are underpaid–in so many ways. How could we possibly repay their willingness to risk their lives, be away from their families, and be on call 24/7 in a reasonable, valued way? We owe our military so much – and donating is a way to start repaying them. There is always something to give, whether clothes, items, or money. Choose an organization – there are plenty – that accepts donations of all kinds for the military and their families! 

See What’s Happening in Your Community

Research to find out if any Veteran’s Day events are happening near you. If there are, you can show up, participate, and show your appreciation. A lot of places have local parades or even small neighborhood get-togethers. Any place that you can show up to and pay respect is a place worth considering! 

Put Up an American Flag

A Special Thank You to All Veterans from Urban Transit

Hanging an American flag in front of your house – or somewhere visible for others to see – is always an excellent way to show your support. As people go by, they will be reminded of Veteran’s Day and may also choose to find a way to support our veterans. And, as veterans see your support, they will be reminded of the proud Americans they served.


There are all kinds of organizations that do volunteer work to support veterans. Finding an organization you are willing and able to volunteer for and following through with it allows you to take action in showing your appreciation. Make yourself feel like a proud American by putting energy into something meaningful! 

Take the Time to Learn

A Special Thank You to All Veterans from Urban Transit

Time goes by, and it is easy to get distracted in the day-to-day. Make an effort this Veteran’s Day to do some extra research on America’s history to deepen your knowledge. America has a very, very rich history and there are many ways to learn about it. If you have kids, you can also teach them a few facts to start growing their appreciation at a young age!

Remind those Around You 

In modern society, we all get busy. Ask your friends and family what they are doing for Veteran’s Day and if no one has plans, make some! Veteran’s Day is so incredibly important to recognize and celebrate – plus, you’ll be spending time with the people you love. 

Say Thank-You

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If you see a veteran, thank them. It’s that simple! Veteran’s Day is a holiday for a good reason. We need to take time out of our busy schedules to take a step back, recognize why we have all our freedoms, and thank those who granted them to us. Not only did they give freedom to us, but they fought for us to have it. They risked their lives, and many of us don’t even know any veterans personally. Thank the strangers who protect you – it’s important!

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